Strategize, Align & Achieve with OKRBeri
As CEO, Business owner, Team leader driving your team with clarity of direction is the path to success. OKRBeri helps you achieve that through Objectives & Key Results.
OKRBeri is an effective way for businesses to set their objectives, where they want to head and the key results for how they will know they have achieved them.
Transparent Goals
Set clear and specific goals that help your team to focus.
Aligned Achievement
Motivate and align your team towards company objectives.
Enhanced Ownership
Co-design key results in agreement to drive ownership.
Meaningful Measure
Track key results' scores to success.
To The Point

Define and Manage Objectives
Objectives capture what you want to accomplish (an ambitious goal) in a qualitative sense. Example: Improve the Customer Experience.

Assign and Track Key Results
Key Results capture/measure what you hope to accomplish in a quantifiable sense. Example: 10% increase in our Net Promoter Score by the end of the quarter

Monitor and Measure with Metrics Dashboard
Relevant metrics are captured via a simple but effective dashboard which helps you check and correct your organization's progress towards its goals.

Key Features
User & Roles Management
Team Management
Cycles Management
Objectives Management
Key Results Management
Score Tracker
Drill Down
Metrics Dashboard
A Sneak Peek

Manage Objectives

Monitor Metrics

Manage Key Results

Manage Cycles

Manage Teams

Manage Users
No Card Free Trial
(OKR only)
- Billed Annually
- Objectives Management
- Key Results Management
- Metrics Dashboard
- Cycles Management
- And More
Tasks Combo
(OKR & Tasks)
- Billed Annually
- Everything in Single
- &
- Action Manangement with Tasks
OKR Planning Cheat Sheet

Coming Soon
We are constantly at work to add new apps to our suite. We assure you it will be worth the wait.
What Our Clients Say!
"One of the problems we had was our employees didn't know what they were working towards. They did their work, but didn't understand how it fits into the bigger picture. OKRBeri helped us address this and now we see better productivity among our team."

Abishek Baskaran
Co-Founder, LogBase
Click here for Video testimonial
"OKRBeri gave us much needed clarity on setting and tracking goals. CRMBeri has come in handy for opportunity tracking and follow-ups. Would recommend PilotBeri’s apps for any startups and MSME looking for a structured & organized approach towards growth."

Sriram G
MD, Polyseals
Click here for Video testimonial